State Highway Safety Office Employer Outreach Portal
The U.S. Census Bureau reported 85% of U.S. employees commute to work in a car and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that 55% of U.S. traffic fatalities in 2014 involved someone’s employee.
The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) has created a platform to provide State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs) access to a wide variety of road safety materials for distribution to employers.
In order to implement this effort, a dedicated SHSO web-portal has been developed to provide SHSO personnel with a structured framework on how to develop and/or enhance employer-based road safety programs across their respective State. The portal provides easy access to a variety of useful tools and resources, including templates and sample documents used from existing SHSO employer state programs. While some SHSOs already have an employer outreach program in place, this portal is designed to serve as a roadmap for advice, resources and best practices to start or expand your state’s program regardless of program maturity.
How to start or expand state employer outreach programs:
- Step 1: How to identify an Employer Outreach Coordinator. GO to Step1 – Identify an Employer Outreach Coordinator
- Step 2: How to build a database and strategy to reach state employers. GO to Step2 – Build a database and strategy
- Step 3: Road safety behavioral campaign materials from NETS, NHTSA, NSC, and GHSA. GO to Step3 – Campaign material

More Information
Reference Page including evidence-based research to support the materials created for each traffic safety campaign. GO to Resource Page
Contributors Page including information about the organizations who provided information and materials for this page. GO to Contributors Page