Traffic Safety Materials
NHTSA offers materials for numerous traffic safety campaigns, including drunk driving, car seats, vehicle safety, distracted driving, and motorcycles. These marketing tools offer a way to get involved through traditional media and online media. Utilizing the numerous resources found here can make an impact that will reach beyond your community. By raising public awareness through paid, earned, and social media, and maximizing your local resources, you can make a difference and save lives.
Heatstroke Campaign Materials
Traffic Safety Materials
Drive Safely Work Week (DSWW) campaign materials are designed to make the case for integrating elements of safe driving into an organization’s core safety culture. Nearly everyone drives—whether for work, commuting to and from work or tending to daily errands outside of work. Regardless of the reason for the trip, time spent behind the wheel is very likely the most dangerous part of an employee’s day.
If your safety programs don’t currently integrate policies, procedures, communication tools and/or practices related to safe driving for all employees, DSWW could be your opportunity to introduce these concepts. If you already have programs in place, it’s a great time to repeat, reinforce and maybe even rethink your safety communications as they relate to driving. The tool kit builds the case for executive leadership to adopt safe driving for all employees as a part of the corporate safety culture and provides low-cost tools and ideas to start, expand and sustain a road safety program.
NETS Leadership and Value Proposition:
The NETS benchmarking effort identifies interventions to help companies improve their road safety practices. These recommended practices address the main road safety policies for companies with fleets and represent elements of a company’s safety culture.
The NETS Comprehensive Guide to Road Safety™ has global applicability and is for employers of large or small fleets of all vehicle types with new, developing or advanced road safety program.
Traffic Safety Materials
Traffic Safety Materials
The National Safety Council eliminates preventable deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the road through leadership, research, education and advocacy. To learn more about National Safety Council “on the road” initiatives check out “Safety on the Road”:
The NSC Safe Driving Kit contains myriad safe driving resources and ready-made communication tools to educate employees, including videos, fact sheets and FAQs, infographics, posters, survivor advocate stories and more.